Welcome to the FICPI and FICPI-Korea Symposium 2025 (2025 FICPI-KS) Registration Page. 2025 FICPI-KS will take place in person. To register for the Meeting, please sign up first and proceed with the online registration as outlined below.
Registration is required to be admitted to the venue and for the participation in all programs of the 2025 FICPI-KS. All registrations must be completed on official website. Participants are strongly encouraged to register before Feb 10, 2025 to take advantage of the discounted registration fees.
- Requests for changes or cancellations of registration must be made to the Secretariat via email at registration@FICPIKS2025.org. All refunds will be processed in cash starting one week after the completion of the FICPIKS2025 event." - 등록의 변경 또는 취소에 대한 요청은 registration@FICPIKS2025.org 이메일을 통해 사무국에 요청해야 합니다. - 모든 환불은 FICPIKS2025 행사완료 후 일주일 후부터 현금으로 처리됩니다.
To request an invitation letter, please fill out the Invitation Letter Request Form during the registration and upload a copy of your passport. Invitation letter will be sent to the designated participant upon completion of registration along with a full payment. This letter is NOT a commitment of the FICPI-KS 2025 organizer to provide financial assistance to any participants or accompanying persons. Expenses incurred are the sole responsibility of the participant.