Wednesday 2 April 2025
Venue : LOTTLE HOTEL JEJU: Outdoor Plaza
Thursday 3 April 2025
To what extent is data (experimental data or correlation data between input and output) is required for AI application inventions?
A Common Denominator in Trade Mark and Design
Which IP firm should you hire? A discussion from different perspectives
Venue : THE SEASE HOTEL JEJU: Seaes Garden
Friday 4 April 2025
AI assisted drafting and other AI assisted practices; how far have we come and how far can we go?
Obtain and use the best available evidence
IP service providers : Blessing or curse ?
Availability of a letter of consent and potential risk for concurrent use of a similar trade mark under a co-existence agreement
Venue : LOTTLE HOTEL JEJU: Crystal Ballroom
Saturday 5 April 2025