(Sky, Ocean, Hill, Forest) and is the best country club of the JEJU with beautiful nature.
- Located near the beautiful Joongmoon tourist complex of Jeju island and designed under the theme of harmonizing nature and people. - With its world-class design by Robert Trent Jones, who designed 13 of the top 100 golf courses in the United States, coupled with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, elaborate interiors, and Hotel Lotte’s famed service. - Lotte Skyhill Jeju CC is one of the world’s 100 premium golf courses. - This course offers unobstructed vistas of Jeju’s natural beauty.
- Travel is handled by the designated travel agency. - The above schedule is subject to change. - 여행은 지정여행사에서 담당합니다. - 상기 일정은 상황에 따라 변할 수 있습니다.
The EXCURSION TOUR bus will depart from the front entrance of the hotel. 투어버스는 호텔 정문 앞에서 출발합니다. Golf Tour: Detailed information will be provided via individual email after team assignments are made. 골프: 팀배정이 이뤄진 후 출발 시간 및 자세한 안내가 입력하신 메일로 전송됩니다. Jeju Tour: Departure from the front entrance at 8:50 AM. 제주투어: 08:50 정문 앞 출발합니다. Please arrive 10 minutes early. 출발 10분전에 도착해 주세요.
For those who wish to travel to the airport during or after the trip, please consult with the travel agency in advance. 여행 중 또는 종료 후 공항으로 이동 원하시는 분들은 여행사와 사전 상의 부탁드립니다. Jeju Tour, Optional Tour : offjeju@naver.com l Golf Tour : secretariat@ficpiks2025.org